Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day Seven

Guess what-

nope we're still in Winnemucca... but there is good news and bad news.

bad news. Our friend Richard, the mechanic who now knows us by name did all that he could do. Put in a new starter but no luck the electrical mechanic system is fried and has to be taken to a CAT place.

Good new. They are towing our truck to Reno tonight/tomorrow morning and will have a crew to switch our stuff from the crappy truck to a new truck. We will be leaving Winnemucca tomorrow at 5 am and hopefully be on our way to Sac by by noon.

We can always be hopefull


Andrea said...

You poor thing. Moving shouldn't be that hard. I'll be praying that things will turn out better.... starting Wednesday!!!!!

Grammyzanne said...

I suspect you will be forever grateful to get thru Winnemucca in less than an hour from now on - that is if you stop there for gas and food.

Glad Budget is FINALLY getting you on the road. Can't say this is a sterling recommendation for the company.

At least the three of you will be driving together to Reno, I assume.

From here on moves should seem a piece of cake.

Emily said...

HOLY SMOKES LADY!!! This one isn't even covered by a big fake smile! I would for sure be a nervous wreck. Wish we could come rescue you and make it all better. Guess we'll settle for good thoughts and lots of prayers coming your way. Love your GUTS!!

The Ormsby's said...

OH . . MY. . GOSH!!!! I can't believe all of this. I threw up a little in my mouth reading about the whole in Ty's mouth. Hope that is healing up okay? And what a nightmare for the truck. I am so sorry!! I hope you are on your way home now, and that things will go smoothly from Reno to Sac. LOVE YOU, and we'll send many many prayers your way!

Maggie & Nate said...

Ummm...wow. We have friends in Winnemucca...let me know if you want their number! :) I hope it gets better. Sheesh!

Stacy said...

Please tell me Budget is paying for all of these hotel stays right?? ....Right?
And good luck to that crew switching stuff, David says that piano was a killer :)