Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Unita Photo Trip

So since I was out in Utah anyway... a friend from BYU-Photo and I planned, well actually she did all the planning I just tagged along for a camping photo trip to the Unitas. We were up by Mirror Lake for those who are familiar with the area. It was beautiful, cold, windy, relaxing, rejuvenating, and it reminded me of why I love photography... which some days unfortunately is needed. Hope you enjoy the little piece of Heaven that I found this past week...


Grammyzanne said...

Absolutely gorgeous pictures. I sure would like to go sit by that lake or stream for awhile. Maybe next time I need a mind distraction I'll imagine myself there.

TheKeilShpeel said...

Awesome images.. How the heck do you guys get away from your kids? How long was your trip? I'm so glad you were able to get away and enjoy photography for a bit.. it looks beautiful.

Laurel said...

K- so when I have a good slr camera..u have to teach me how to take night pictures and the stars all cool looking. :) u are inspiring!

. said...

Wow, you sure are talented!!! If you ever come back to Vegas to visit, let me know...I would love to schedule a photo shoot of my kids with you. Seriously!!!!

Andrew and Liz Orton said...

When do I get some of these pictures to show off??? need... more... pictures....