Friday, May 29, 2009

Why I've been away for a month...

It's been crazy busy! Because of the wonderful economic crisis people aren't buying magazines like they used to- and especially not scrapbook ones. So when one photographer quit my bosses decided that my partner and I would take over the other 2 magazines doing 3 out of the 5 magazines- for the same pay .... but at least it's a job. We had our one magazine down to an art, but alas now we're having to do some actual thinking. It's nice to do something different but the new ones are suppose to be "hip" and I guess I'm just not that "hip" so it's a learning process. So far I think they are really liking our work, which is good- but it makes much long work months for me and my monsters that I leave at home while in UT. But if you're ever in Roberts, Michael's, or Hobby Lobby, and rumors say Barnes and Nobles and see a Scrapbook Trends, Idea book (holiday, mini album) or a Simply Handmade magazine- those are mine. Covers and all.... 


Grammyzanne said...

Didn't realize you did those magazines. Will have to take a look next time I'm in Hobby Lobby - which I am in far too often.

Linda said...

WOW!!! that's pretty awesome! I didn't even realize it. LOL I miss my professional and uber famous photographer friend living across the street. Who says you can't be in multiple magazines at once. LOL You're in all of the great ones. I knew they started looking cooler and more "hip" recently. Loves!!!

linda said...

oh and Happy Birthday today! Hope you had a fun day and tell Brian that it's okay if he takes the camera to take a pic of you once in a while too. Our boys think our blog is about them...oh is. LOL