Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let it snow let it snow let it snow...

On the 19th of February we woke up to SNOW! Yeah!!! We usually get one skiff of snow a year here in good 'ol California and for the past two years I've missed it being in UT w/ feet of snow... But this year I was HERE! T woke up and was SO excited! We got all dressed up in our winter gear and by we- I mean T and Brian. I put on long johns and tried my best to cover my belly (apparently my snow pants don't fit over this baby- BFS) We went outside and played at the park and then took the doggies outside (Tank absolutely LOVES the snow) to play in the snow. T liked throwing snowballs, but amazingly enough was not so much a fan of being hit by the snow balls... huh weird.Of course our battery for the camera was dead and mine was charging for a shoot so I didn't get any pictures, but my Mom had sent us some "alaska make your own snow" stuff and so the other day in hopes of being a good mom helped T make some... So here's our fake snow. (FYI T insisted on taking my picture... not tooshabby for a 3 year old and for all of you wanting to see my belly this will have to due for now.) PS... yes T did his own hair and pretty much insists on it being spiked or in a mohawk everyday. He loves getting combs wet and spiking it at least 3 times a day and has even talked his Mom and Dad into spiking glue...

1 comment:

Emily said...

Wait I must know more about this fake snow! Do you eat it? Is it just for playing in? I'm just having a hard time wrapping my Las Vegas brain around this...maybe a few more winters in WA will cure that? And I love the picture! I want to rub the cute belly. Ha ha ha. I wouldn't do that to you, but I do love that prego belly and my cute Katie!!