Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Every little boy's Dream

In the beginning there was a tree...

and some wood
Then came the Super 3 year old Tyler

and his Dad with some cool Power tools...
And this is what happens when little boys and Dad's put their Dreams together... when Mommy is out of town
8x8x6... still needs door, roof, and windows, but not bad for 1 days worth of work. I'm told there will be a walkway from the roof to the "look out tower" but for now T is in Heaven!
(I'm sure glad I have such handy boys around me)


Unknown said...

Wow that is really cool! I want a hide out like that!

Grammyzanne said...

It's a little girl's Dream too! No wonder he is in Heaven - I would be too.

Andrea said...

Wow, that's awesome.

TheKeilShpeel said...

Wow.. that's impressive.

Emily said...

ummm...there is no roof, so he could easily fall in from where he's standing in that picture, no? Ahh dads. Gotta love em! That is seriously awesome though!

Unknown said...

Wow!! that is really cool!